Persuasive Style of Writing (:

I belive all kids should have there own blogger. Why I think students should have there own blog's is because they could be connected with there friends. They could talk with them there. Also they can share there ideas on there blogs. Also they can share more and see what each student has to offer eachother on there blogs. It can be personal for them and there friends. Also they can adapt with eachother and give eachother more ideas what to post on there blog. Also this blogger can help the express their selfs. I know this blog helps me express myself and it gives me reasons to post and blog on this site. I can post pictures and such, along with how I feel. This keeps my on my blog and helps me actually have a reason to do something or check something out because I can EXPRESS who I am and what I have to show about myself. This blog gives me reason to keep me here and posting more thing (:

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