

I don't get any visitors on my blog. I guess because I don't stop by random strangers blogs and compliment the unknown. I should really start socializing on the internet with strangers right? ( Now doesn't that sound bad? Do you see why I don't have many visitors)


I am not gonna continue blogging here unless personal blogs. I am not gonna be here rarely because I will be going to High School soon. So I am preparing for that. Also I have a two week vacation. I also have student council meetings, and I am going to a collage for a work shop for a couple of nights. Not only will i have that, I have my other personal days reading and catching opprotunities for my up coming future career. So sorry blogger, i'll still be here till my Jr. High year ends (:

Student blogging challenge Meme

One of the things I've done in my life that made me glow with pride was preform for a talent show. That was a good student blogging challenge meme. I danced with my friends and i got over me being stage fright.


I am currently intrested in books, I've stopped reading for a while. Although for the summer i am planning on reading again. The book i am reading right now is the "City Of Bones The Mortal's Instrument". This particular book opened my eyes. This book is very eye oppening and sexy you could say. It wasn't my favorite book. But if i read the whole series it probably will.


I LOVE PIERCE THE VEIL, they are my favorite band right now. I love their lead singer
Vic Fuentes

Activity 6

What I can do as a student to keep the earth green is to plant a tree, and recycle. Also i can carry the word and tell other friends and ask them for help to keep the earth green.

Activity 5

The Ne Ne bird her in HI is an endangered bird here. It's our state bird, very important here.Nenes used to be more common, A list of factors that limit Nene survival includes loss of habitats to development and agriculture, establishment of nonnative species (mammalian, predators, avian competitors, non-native plants, mosquitoes), and direct human disturbance.